
Bottle Family object

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type BottleFamily {
  • # ID of the Bottle Family
  • id: ID!
  • # Name of the Bottle Family
  • name: String!
  • # Slug of the Bottle Family
  • slug: String!
  • # Bottle Manufacturer of the Bottle Family
  • manufacturer: BottleManufacturer
  • # Availabilities of the Bottle Family
  • availability: [Availability]
  • # Bottle Sections of the Bottle Family
  • section: [BottleSection]
  • # Bottle Shapes of the Bottle Family
  • shape: [BottleShape]
  • # Suitabilities of the Bottle Family
  • suitability: [Suitability]
  • # Bottles of the Bottle Family
  • bottles: [Bottle]
  • # Images of the Bottle Family
  • images: [Image]
  • # Public References of the Bottle Family
  • referencesPublic: [Reference]
  • # Count of the Bottles connected to the Bottle Family
  • connectedBottles: Int!
  • # Count of the Images connected to the Bottle Family
  • connectedImages: Int!
  • # Count of the public references connected to the Bottle Family
  • connectedReferences: Int!
  • # Is the Bottle Family published
  • isPublished: Boolean!
  • # Is the Bottle Family paused
  • isPaused: Boolean!
  • # CreatedAt datetime of the Bottle Family
  • createdAt: DateTime!
  • # UpdatedAt datetime of the Bottle Family
  • updatedAt: DateTime!
  • # Name of the user who made last modification of the Bottle Family
  • lastModifiedBy: String
  • # Is the Bottle soft deleted
  • archived: Boolean!
  • }