
link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Query {
  • # Return list of soft deleted items
  • archive: [Archive!]!
  • # Return list of all Availabilities
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • availabilities(trashed: Trashed): [Availability!]!
  • # Return the Availability by ID or by slug
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: ID of the record
  • # slug: slug of the record
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • availability(id: ID, slug: String, trashed: Trashed): Availability
  • # Return list of all Bottles
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # familyId: Allows to filter Bottles by Bottle Family ID
  • # isPublished: Allows to filter Bottles by published state
  • # isPaused: Allows to filter Bottles by paused state
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • bottles(
  • familyId: Int,
  • isPublished: Boolean,
  • isPaused: Boolean,
  • trashed: Trashed
  • ): [Bottle!]!
  • # Return the Bottle by ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: ID of the record
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • bottle(id: ID, trashed: Trashed): Bottle
  • # Return the total count of the Bottles (only published, not paused and not soft
  • # deleted)
  • bottlesCount: Int!
  • # Return list of all Bottle Families
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # manufacturer: Allows to filter Bottle Families by Bottle
  • # Manufacturer ID
  • # isPublished: Allows to filter Bottle Families by published
  • # state
  • # isPaused: Allows to filter Bottle Families by paused state
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • bottleFamilies(
  • manufacturer: Int,
  • isPublished: Boolean,
  • isPaused: Boolean,
  • trashed: Trashed
  • ): [BottleFamily!]!
  • # Return the Bottle Family by ID or slug
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: ID of the record
  • # slug: Slug of the record
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • bottleFamily(id: ID, slug: String, trashed: Trashed): BottleFamily
  • # Return the total count of the Bottle Families (only published, not paused and
  • # not soft deleted)
  • bottleFamiliesCount: Int!
  • # Return list of all Bottle Manufacturers
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # isPaused: Allows to filter Bottle Manufacturers by paused state
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • bottleManufacturers(isPaused: Boolean, trashed: Trashed): [BottleManufacturer!]!
  • # Return the Bottle Manufacturer by ID or slug
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: ID of the record
  • # slug: Slug of the record
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • bottleManufacturer(id: ID, slug: String, trashed: Trashed): BottleManufacturer
  • # Return list of all Bottle Sections
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • bottleSections(trashed: Trashed): [BottleSection!]!
  • # Return the Bottle Section by ID or slug
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: ID of the record
  • # slug: Slug of the record
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • bottleSection(id: ID, slug: String, trashed: Trashed): BottleSection
  • # Return list of all Bottle Shapes
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • bottleShapes(trashed: Trashed): [BottleShape!]!
  • # Return the Bottle Shape by ID or slug
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: ID of the record
  • # slug: Slug of the record
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • bottleShape(id: ID, slug: String, trashed: Trashed): BottleShape
  • # Return list of all Changelog events
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # orderBy: Sorts by created_at
  • # first: Limits number of fetched elements.
  • # page: The offset from which elements are returned.
  • changelog(orderBy: [ChangelogOrderByOrderByClause!], first: Int, page: Int): ChangelogPaginator
  • # Return list of all Closures
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • closures(trashed: Trashed): [Closure!]!
  • # Return the Closure by ID or slug
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: ID of the record
  • # slug: Slug of the record
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • closure(id: ID, slug: String, trashed: Trashed): Closure
  • # Return list for Volume autocomplete
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # orderBy: Sorts by value names or number of usages
  • volumeEnum(orderBy: [VolumeEnumOrderByOrderByClause!]): [EnumVolume!]!
  • # Return list for Country autocomplete
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # orderBy: Sorts by value names or number of usages
  • countryEnum(orderBy: [CountryEnumOrderByOrderByClause!]): [EnumCountry!]!
  • # Return list for Colour name autocomplete
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # orderBy: Sorts by value names or number of usages
  • # glassColour: The Glass Colour ID to filter names for the Glass
  • # Colour
  • colourNameEnum(
  • orderBy: [ColourNameEnumOrderByOrderByClause!],
  • glassColour: ID
  • ): [EnumColourName!]!
  • # Return list of all Files
  • files: [File!]!
  • # Return the File by ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: ID of the record
  • file(id: ID!): File
  • # Return list of all Glass Colours
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • glassColours(trashed: Trashed): [GlassColour!]!
  • # Return the Glass Colour by ID or slug
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: ID of the record
  • # slug: Slug of the record
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • glassColour(id: ID, slug: String, trashed: Trashed): GlassColour
  • # Return list of all Images
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # familyId: Allows to filter Images by Bottle Family ID
  • # isPublished: Allows to filter Images by published state
  • # isPaused: Allows to filter Images by paused state
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • images(familyId: Int, isPublished: Boolean, isPaused: Boolean, trashed: Trashed): [Image!]!
  • # Return the Image by ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: ID of the record
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • image(id: ID, trashed: Trashed): Image
  • # Return list of all Medias
  • medias: [Media!]!
  • # Return the Media by ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: ID of the record
  • media(id: ID!): Media
  • # Return list of all References
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # familyId: Allows to filter References by Bottle Family ID
  • # isPublished: Allows to filter References by published state
  • # isPaused: Allows to filter References by paused state
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • references(
  • familyId: ID,
  • isPublished: Boolean,
  • isPaused: Boolean,
  • trashed: Trashed
  • ): [Reference!]!
  • # Return the Reference by ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: ID of the record
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • reference(id: ID, trashed: Trashed): Reference
  • # Return list of all Reference Categories
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • referenceCategories(trashed: Trashed): [ReferenceCategory!]!
  • # Return the Reference Category by ID or slug
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: ID of the record
  • # slug: Slug of the record
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • referenceCategory(id: ID, slug: String, trashed: Trashed): ReferenceCategory
  • # Get slug by post name
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # postType: Item post type
  • # title: Item post name
  • retrieveSlug(postType: String!, title: String!): Slug!
  • # Check if slug is valid
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # postType: Item post type
  • # slug: Item slug
  • checkSlugValidity(postType: String!, slug: String!): SlugValidity!
  • # Return list of all Suitabilities
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • suitabilities(trashed: Trashed): [Suitability!]!
  • # Return the Bottle Suitability by ID or slug
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: ID of the record
  • # slug: Slug of the record
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • suitability(id: ID, slug: String, trashed: Trashed): Suitability
  • # Return list of all Vinolok Sizes
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • vinolokSizes(trashed: Trashed): [VinolokSize!]!
  • # Return the Vinolok Size by ID or slug
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: ID of the record
  • # slug: Slug of the record
  • # trashed: Allows to filter if trashed elements should be
  • # fetched.
  • vinolokSize(id: ID, slug: String, trashed: Trashed): VinolokSize
  • # Get heartbeat response
  • heartbeat: HeartBeatResponse!
  • }

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